Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mommies 2

I was going to just update my status everyday with different questions about brands and prices but I figured that I'll just write a blog about each different category on my "Essentials List".  I'm trying to have my list all together so when we register it won't take forever and I will register for what I actually need and will use!  Please tell me what brand and why you love it!  Thanks MOMS!!

Day 2:
Baby Wear Must Haves...

-receiving blankets?
-booties vs socks?
-clothes for the baby during the day?
-clothes for the baby to sleep in?
-hangers?  Do you actually hang up anything?

*is there anything wardrobe wise that you feel a baby MUST HAVE?*

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mommies 1

I was going to just update my status everyday with different questions about brands and prices but I figured that I'll just write a blog about each different category on my "Essentials List".  I'm trying to have my list all together so when we register it won't take forever and I will register for what I actually need and will use!  Please tell me what brand and why you love it!  Thanks MOMS!!

Day 1:
Baby Care Must Haves...

-brand of bottle and why?  Most of you have already commented that Dr. Browns & Playtex are the best!
-extra nipples?  Stick with kind on bottle or branch out?
-bottle warmer?  Do we need one, if so which one??
-bottle brush?  Do any of you actually use one?
-breast pump?  Manual or electric?

I think that about covers it for the feeding section of my list!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

June 15, 2011

Well it seems it been a bit over a month since I've written here's some updates.

Robert's School-he only has one course left in A.  What does this mean?  Well he has completed the general and airframes portions of his schooling!  After completing this next course he will only have power plant left.  It also means that he will be eligible to take 2 of his 3 tests that he needs to be a certificated A&P.  He will probably go ahead and take the 2 so he only has to worry about 1 test at graduation, which is in March 2012. 

Vacation-Last time I wrote I mentioned that we were going to be visiting one of the possible locations for us to move after he graduates, unfortunately we have had to push our trip back to August.  This works out well b/c we won't have to travel in the middle of summer and during the 4th of July holiday.  We are still really excited about this trip!

Photography-wowzers...our business has really taken off!  We are preparing for 3 more sessions this month, 3 weddings next month, etc.  We are so thankful for this!  We love love love photography and if it included insurance Robert would probably quit his job!  Ha!

Pregnancy-at this current point we are 14 wks 5 dys.  This has been a roller coaster.  One day I'll feel great and the next not so much.  I'm so thankful that Robert loves me and little scrivy b/c he is dealing with the tears, sniffing, mood swings, stomach aches, etc.  I read about the mood swings but oh my goodness-I'm going nuts!  Poor guy!  As I sit here I can almost feel my belly expanding, it's the weirdest thing!  I'm so thankful that we are getting this opportunity to be parents!  It really gets to me every time Robert prays for our baby, he always prays for a healthy baby and for the baby's salvation.  Really makes me feel selfish because I'm sitting there thinking, "Pray for a pretty baby, my eyes, blah blah".  We have an app. on July 8th to find out the baby's sex.  I say girl and Robert says boy...we'll see